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How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

by Iqra Tariq May 19, 2021 4 min read

Have you ever think of cleaning and organizing your Closet but never make it happen because of anxiety? Sometimes we feel like it's more tasking to organize a closet and never start with that. Usually, our Closet is messed up with unwanted clutter; hence, decluttering can help.

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Some easy and stress-free tricks could help you organize your Closet even better than before. We usually think closets are not worthy of repeatedly managing because eventually, it also messes up. But you can sustain your Closet's cleanliness for a long time after implementing these simple tips and tricks. If you maintain a connection throughout your Closet, you can easily organize it over the weekends in just 5 minutes.

Importance of Organized Closet:

It is essential to organize Closet because a structured and ordered Closet can make it easy for you. Organized Closet helps you assess your required clothes and accessories on time. Managing clothes also saves money because in this way you'll be able to see an extra number of clothes you have. When all of your stuff, i.e., clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, are easily visible, it's easily inventoried for further use. Keeping in mind the importance of an organized Closet, follow these simple tips to manage your Closet in just 5 minutes.

Categorize your Clothes

When you are planning a cleanup, categorize your clothes. Empty your Closet and arrange the clothes which are used daily. Separate your clothes into different categories like pants, coats, sweaters, nighties, suits, and even accessories. Make groups and arrange them accordingly. It will help you clear your clutter, and you will understand which clothes are most likely worn by you and which clothes are just clutter. In this way, you can better organize your Closet.

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Separate Piles for Donation

As of now, you have cleared the clutter and made groups of your items. Now is the time to set up two significant piles, one for donation and one to keep. The clothes which you consider are useless would be way more useful for others. Donate them to needy ones and be a reason for their smile.

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Empty your Closet and clean it

Now you are clearer because you have separated things that you will keep and donate. Pull out all the items from your cupboard and give it a deep cleaning. Vacuum the carpet, dust the drawers, and remove all the dirt and debris. If your Closet needs a fresh coat of paint, then don't mind doing it. Renew it by giving life to it.

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Renovate your Closet in subsections

After cleaning, dusting, and painting your Closet, now is the time to renovate your Closet as per your need. Suppose you have more delicate, fancy, and sturdy items than try to hang them. Usually, your closets have more options to play with. Maybe you have many vertical storage spaces, horizontal drawers with dividers, and broad clear spaces. It is a time for you to think beyond the ways and organize different things in it. An organized closet shows your etiquette, manners, and demeanors.

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Maintain Order and Connection

Once you are done with planning, it is a time to place things in order and connection. Keep like items with the same things. Store all your scarves and belts in the same place. Hang your fancy clothes alongside each other. Roll your workout dresses differently from your pajamas.  Place everything in its order and try to maintain the connection of your Closet throughout. 

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Consider Color not Length

Usually, we hang clothes lengthwise. But it would be better if you hang the same colored clothes together irrespective of length. It will not only enhance the look of your Closet, but it will also help you find particular colored cloth easily. Nowadays it's in trend to hang the same colored clothes together to make Closet trendy and up-to-the-minute.

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Hang Sturdy Items

Now you are clear with the concept of placing the same colors together. See your delicate, fancy, and sturdy clothes and hang them to avoid any inconvenience. Crinkle your bulky sweaters and denim pants to a more expansive space. Hang your fancy skirts, lingerie, and sturdy, structured clothes like coats and blazers to uphold the impetus of your Closet.  According to the stylist, if you want to give your Closet a neat and clean look, hang lengthy clothes on the right and short garments on the left to create the slope and give your Closet a more organized look.

Utilize Drawers to place unused items

There are always several things in your Closet that are used occasionally. Therefore, do not hang those clothes. Try to stack them in the drawers or on shelf spaces within your Closet.  If your Closet does not have free space for occasional dresses, try to place them in your empty wardrobe or any other vacant clothing attire space.  You can also place leggings and undergarments in the drawers by the roll and tuck technique because they tend to be bend and pliable.

Leave space for ongoing update

We love shopping and spending, and it's evident that all the new stuff needs to be placed somewhere efficiently and prominently. Therefore, it is essential to leave some space for new items that you might have availed from sales and deals. There must be room for an ongoing update, as every month you are going to shop, whether the small accessory or a full dress. Hence in the meantime, it is essential to leave a space for an ongoing update.

How to organize your Closet in just 5 minutes

Now you must be wondering all this couldn't be done in 5 minutes, then my dear reader keeps in mind if you will organize your Closet properly once in two months, then it would be a 5-minute task for you over the weekend. You will see a considerable change in the overall ambiance of your home. You will feel a good atmosphere because of your organized Closet as it lowers your stress.